There are also several stories and strange legends that speak of the strong magical powers that are contained within the peridot. One of the legends states that once the Peridot gemstone is placed in a gold setting, it will enhance the ability for developing the potential this stone has as a talisman. This power is supposed to dispel bad dreams, fears and what is known as night terrors. However, Pliny, who was known as a Great Roman Authority, stated that an individual must wear the Peridot on his or her right arm if the strongest magic is to work for them.

The large peridots that were once contained in, Religious Treasures located in European cathedrals have been pillaged by wars. They disappeared and probably still exist today as many stones that have been cut and resized to smaller stones which have been set in different pieces of jewelry. Europeans brought Peridot gemstones back after the Crusades for use as decorations in church robes and plates, during the middle ages period. The Peridot was also well known to the ancient Hebrew people and it is listed in the Bible texts as a stone that Aaron used and it is mentioned in the book of Revelations, while speaking of the apocalypse.